學學習事件譜II —— 逆 / 亦 / 弈
The Situation of Learning II


25 Nov – 20 Dec 2020

日期 Date : 28 Nov 2020 (Saturday)
時間 Time :
2-3PM | 藝術家導賞 Artist-led Tour
3-5PM | 藝術家講座及同業分享會 Artist Talk & Educator’s Gathering


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弈——博弈、 一種對策

這三個字描述了我們在過程中不斷招架疫情變化的心態,藝術家在工作坊除了試行不同模式的網上與實體的互動方法,更加是去設計一種可一起經驗和學習的實驗去回應我們身處的環境。8 位藝術家/組合包括曹穎祺 x 陳素珊|工人二代之迷你家譜(媒介:小誌創作)、黃榮法|當年今日(媒介:講座式展演)工作坊帶領參加者從自身出發,重編歷史實現一場對自我或家庭的重訪。如果創作如鏡子映照自己與時代,疫情下的重重限制還可怎樣表達?羅文樂|土炮公民廣告正好反思土炮精神,把有限的條件成為創作的特色;與阿金(鄭怡敏)@C&G藝術單位|死人都要創作(形式:畫具製作與戶外寫生) 當中強調的無論在任何境況都要表達不謀而合。由身體的修復到精神的修煉,梁天尺|修身帶領參加者重新鍛練被隔離良久而疏於聆聽的身心。何穎雅|空中媽咪,邀請單親媽媽在網上電台進行對話,由交換時間到被聆聽的個體,發現與賦權是同時出現。以漫遊方式重新審視城市積累下來的痕跡,梁御東|傷痕紀事提出另類敍事的方法,正如羅文樂所倡議的,學習做一個公民,主動表達你的聲音。羅玉梅|後生者的互動式影像工作坊,主張共讀、共學與共創,當中的公共性,人與人可共享(commons)的意識,猶如實踐願景社會相處共存的形式。

The start of 2020 saw the second year of ‘Hok Hok Zaap’ programme and the rampant spread of a pandemic. This has completely reversed the way artist-led workshops, which focus on on-site interaction and communication, are to be conducted. We must rethink the meaning of ‘Hok Hok Zaap’ (‘learning how to learn’) and respond to the challenges and revelations brought by the pandemic: under the group gathering ban and social distancing requirements, how can we still carry out engaged learning?

逆 (jik6) Contrary – to defy/oppose, resistance, to sail against the current
亦 (jik6) Also – the two sides of a situation
弈 (jik6) Chess – to take chance, countermeasure

These three words describe our mentality of constantly adapting to the pandemic in the process. For the workshops, apart from experimenting with different modes of online and physical interaction, the artists have also designed some experiments that participants can experience and learn together in response to the surrounding environments. The 8 artists/groups include Sushan Chan x Cho Wing Ki|The Second Generation of Workers – Mini Family History (medium: zine making); and Morgan Wong|One Day (medium: lecture performance),  two workshops guiding participants to start from themselves to recompose history and revisit themselves or their families. If creation were a mirror reflecting the self and the era, how could we express ourselves under the many restrictions of the pandemic? Law Man Lok|Lo-fi Advertisement Workshop precisely reflects on the lo-fi spirit, turning limited resources into a characteristic of creation, which coincides with Gum (Cheng Yee Man) @C&G Artpartment|Dying to Create (medium: painting tool making and outdoor sketching) that emphasises the notion of keep expressing, no matter the circumstances. From restoring the body to cultivating the spirit, Leung Tin Chak|Body Cultivation guides participants to re-train the body and mind that have been isolated and not been listened to for a long time. Elaine W. Ho|airTIME invites single mothers to have conversations on online radio. From sharing time to individuals being listened to, discovery and empowerment occur simultaneously. Re-examining the city’s accumulated scars by wandering, Ocean Leung|Tracing Scars proposes alternative narrative methods, as Law Man Lok encourages, to learn to be a citizen and take the initiative to speak out. The interactive video workshop of Law Yuk Mui|After the Rain advocates co-reading, co-learning and co-creation. The workshop’s commonality and consciousness of commons are like actualising a form of coexistence in a visionary society.



【展覽 Exhibition】

日期 Date : 25 Nov – 20 Dec 2020 (Wed – Sun)
星期一及二休息 Closed on Mon & Tue

地點 Venue : 艺鵠藝術空間 ACO Artspace
6/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai


【藝術家導賞、講座及同業分享會 Artist-led Tour, Talk & Educator’s Gathering】

日期 Date : 28 Nov 2020 (Sat)

時間 Time :
2-3PM | 藝術家導賞 Artist-led Tour
集合地點 Meeting Place : 艺鵠藝術空間 ACO Artspace 
6/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai

3-5PM | 藝術家講座及同業分享會 Artist Talk & Educator’s Gathering
地點 Venue : 艺鵠書店 ACO Bookstore
14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

語言 Language : 廣東話 Cantonese
網上報名 Online Application : http://bit.ly/HHZIITalk

*We recommend all participants to join the guided tour led by the artists, or visit the exhibition before attending the Artist Talk & Educator’s Gathering.



獲「藝能發展資助計劃」資助, 《學學習:15個以藝術作為參與式學習的倡議》是一個為期兩年的項目。我們邀請15位香港藝術家和團體(C&G藝術單位、陳素珊+曹穎褀、鍾惠恩+吳家俊、何穎雅、羅文樂、羅玉梅、梁展峰、梁皓然、梁天尺、梁御東、勞麗麗、許敖山、黃榮法、嚴瑞芳、阮志雄+梁妍)設計一系列的活動與不同的社群互動,實踐以「學習作為社會參與」的可能。15個教案將於2019至2020年間分階段製作成可供大眾使用的網上教學資源。

Hok Hok Zaap (HHZ): 15 Initiatives of Engaged Learning in Art

Supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme, Hok Hok Zaap (HHZ): 15 Initiatives of Engaged Learning in Art is a two-year programme that invites 15 Hong Kong artists and groups to propose a series of teaching plans for engaged learning of art in a community setting, exploring the many possibilities of “learning as social engagement”. The 15 teaching plans proposed by artists and groups will turn into publicly accessible education resources in different phases between 2019 to 2020.


‘Hok Hok Zaap’ is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
The content of these activities does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region