Our Everyday – Our Borders

大館賽馬會藝方 JC Contemporary, Tai Kwun 

2018.9.15 – 2019.1.4



儘管兩人的作品分別在展廳的兩邊展出,但在處理日常生活及邊界的概念時,往往出現許多思想上的交疊。兩位藝術家思考的,是超越物理的邊界 — 指涉由城市規律丶消費主義丶社會價值丶家庭倫理丶地緣關係而牽連日常生活上的邊界想象。兩位藝術家的作品都在發掘因人類互動而生的邊界的概念,並嘗試通過展演丶收集丶轉化丶編寫或記錄這種流動的界線來提醒人與人之間生活的可能。


Presented by Rooftop Institute


Our Everyday—Our Borders came about from workshops and public participation, bringing together two Asian artists, Tang Kwok Hin (Hong Kong) and Motoyuki Shitamichi (Japan). Both engage in various forms of participation and exploration—including entering into the homes of local volunteers or taking up conversations with secondary-school students.

Though the works of both artists are displayed on the two sides of the exhibition space, there are many overlaps in how they deal with the concept of the everyday and borders. Both reflect on borders beyond the physical—pointing at the everyday imaginary of borders, from urban order, consumerism, social values, family morals, to geopolitics. Their works dig up notions of “borders” arising from human interaction. By performing, displaying, gathering, transforming, transcribing, or documenting these fluid borders, they seek to remind one of the possibilities of life amongst human beings.



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Our Everyday – Our Borders ”

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